Brand Name: AMUL
Catagory: CURD
Dahi, also known as yogurt, is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with beneficial bacteria. It has a creamy texture, tangy flavor, and is commonly used in a wide range of dishes, both savory and sweet, and is known for its probiotic properties that promote digestive health.
Dahi is prepared after fermenting milk with active culture. It is a traditional food consumed throughout India.
Amul Masti Dahi is available in variety of forms like pouch, cup and matka to cater to the different needs of consumers.
Amul Masti Dahi is known for its consistency in quality and affordable price.
Can be consumed directly with sale or sugar.
Dahi is used in variety of dishes like Kadhi, Raita, Briyani, Dahi vada.
Can be used to prepare desserts and fruit yogurt.
Amount per 100 g